Monday, 15 April 2013

dear fever

currently written by faie mohamad at Monday, April 15, 2013

Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Tidaklah seorang muslim menderita sakit kerana suatu penyakit melainkan Allah menggugurkan kesalahan-kesalahannya dengan penyakit itu, sebagaimana pohon yang menggugurkan daun-daunnya". (HR Bukhari, Muslim)

So dear fever and cough and  sore throat,

It's okay if you come into my life. I've gained so many benefits from you InsyaAllah. But I also hope that may I recover from you very soon.. because I need to settle so many things outside.
  1.  I need to submit my 2nd draft about my research paper, 
  2.  I must start doing my therapy intervention for my research next week, 
  3.  I need to meet my lecturer regularly within this week to discuss about my thesis paper,
  4.  I have to present my Micro Teaching in front of my fellow friends on Tuesday (tomorrow la).
  5.  I have to finish my report as well by tomorrow afternoon,
  6.  I need to write letters in requesting my application for my internship during semester 3,
  7.  Also I missed to hang out with my girlfriends like we used to do during weekend. 
So it seems like I need to encounter a hectic  life and busiest moment within this week.

I'm okay with you, if I don't have anything to do, especially during my leisure time because for sure I can request MC letter and just have a nice rest at room huhuhu.. But at this moment, if you are still with me, I'm not sure whether I can finish my tasks completely or not. 

Just a while, can you stay away from me? Just within this week, I promise.

Thank you.

2 criticisms:

Rin Saharina said...

get well soon faie. jgn lupa makan ubat tau! *pesanan yg sma mcm dkt instag..hehe

faie mohamad said...

tq dearie :) u sgt gigih bg each comment either at instag or blog =)


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