Bertemu Ahli Syurga?
2 days ago
a girl, a caliph, a daughter
I'm an imperfect lady, I have flaws and I might irritate anybody. I am a typical woman who can cry for any single thing that can touch my deep heart and I can even grinning plus crying simultaneously. May looked weird to certain people but that is just me. Seeking for the love of Allah and His blessing.
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5 criticisms:
chumil nyer...nangis pun comel...berapa tahun ni?
13 bulan :)
alaaaa nape nangis ni sayang...kena dera dengan aunty eh....! hihi meh kawan ngan adriana meh :)
mummy: dia ni mmg suka nangis. pantang orang amik terus menangis. dia lebih sebaya adriana je. lahir after raya taun lepas. hehe
Adriana lahir bulan puasa :) a'aa lebih kurang je umornya :)
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